Auxiliary data such as the name and type of the file, when and where the winds data were taken, and altitude range are also read and displayed in the corresponding fields. Wind data is then loaded into the appropriate winds matrix. The GUI automatically recognizes what type of file was chosen and reads it in.

The wind source files are the sounding, Windpack, balloon and JAAWIN winds. The Winds panel allows the user to browse for the wind files and chose the most appropriate one. The GUI itself is subdivided into several panels. This GUI was developed in the MATLAB development environment using the Open GUI Layout Editor GUIDE. Figure A presents a screenshot of the developed GUI, which performs various computations and manipulations (factual data is replaced with fake data). This GUI provides test planning officers with a unique variety of trade-off options, as well as allows effective representation of all safety-related information both to the ground personal and crew executing a payload delivery from a transport aircraft or helicopter. The graphical user interface (GUI) was developed as a standalone Windows-friendly application and then fully tested using the YPG wind profiles and aerial delivery system database. They can be calculated based on the best known winds aloft (measured or predicted). These ballistic winds simplify calculation of the safety fans to the degree which the computer might not be needed at all. Within this project the concept of the ballistic winds was introduced and mathematically verified in multiple simulations.
#Layouteditor sin cos series
It started from the development of the mathematical models to compute a descent / gliding trajectory for a generic multi-stage system in the nominal (controlled) configuration and with a series of different failure modes (of canopy and controls). This project dealt with the development of mathematical foundation and practical algorithms to compute the safety fans to be used in conjunction with the aerodynamic decelerators tests.