Interactive notebooks
Interactive notebooks

interactive notebooks interactive notebooks

Just be sure to consider your rules and expectations around your science notebooks before you get started. These are all decisions you will make based on YOU and YOUR STUDENTS, and I don’t think there is a right or wrong way. These details are just personal preference, so you do you - I just wanted to share with you my experience. On the other hand, my students’ notebooks stayed in the classroom, so it wasn’t as bad as it probably would have been if they were carried back and forth regularly. While I agree that composition notebooks are hardier for sure, I was in a situation where I chose to provide the notebooks to my students, and composition notebooks don’t go on sale for 10 cents at Walmart every fall! Yes, some notebooks did get pretty beat up. However, I found the “flaps” became cumbersome and wasted class time and the right side/left side method didn’t quite work as well with the discovery-style of instruction I was transitioning to.įirst, I used spiral notebooks. I started my career in Interactive Science Notebooks utilizing this method. If a student needs more space on a page, teachers who use this method often rely on “flaps” glued or stapled into the notebook to essentially extend the page. Students take the information from the right side and process it – creating something new with it. Perhaps it is a mind map, a reflection paragraph, a diagram, a graph, a word web, pictures or drawings, 3-2-1 reviews, summaries, so on. They DO something with the material on the right-hand side. On the left side, students record their output. Inputs are taken from lectures, videos, labs, textbooks, other readings, so on. With this setup, students will record the INPUTS on the right side. Then, teachers and students use right-hand pages for INPUTS and left-hand pages for OUTPUTS. The most popular method involves using composition books, creating a table of contents, and numbering all pages immediately.

interactive notebooks

There are a lot of different ways you can approach this, and in the end, you need to choose what works best for you and your students. Structuring Your Traditional Interactive Science Notebooks Standard Approach: To learn about digital notebooking, check out this training I held inside the NGSS For Middle And Science Teachers Facebook Group. While these may be a part of the notebook, the value of ISNs is in the content that STUDENTS create. It is not simply a record of notes, questions and answers, and vocabulary terms that you as the teacher assign.

interactive notebooks

The interactivity of ISNs comes from the simple fact that students are working with information inside the notebook. I would say it is a text worth checking out for sure, although it has been years since I read it. I first learned about ISNs in the text, Teaching Science With Interactive Notebooks by Kellie Marcarelli. While those CAN be a part of your science notebooking (and there’s nothing particularly wrong with incorporating these tasks), interactive science notebooks are much MORE than cut and paste art projects. It’s been around for years now, and I think for most teachers, it conjures up images of cutting and pasting, flaps and foldables. The term “interactive science notebooks” is most likely not entirely foreign to you.

Interactive notebooks